Terraform Provider: Nagios


The provider can be downloaded from the GitHub releases page

Refer to Hashicorp's documentation to install third-party providers

Supported Nagios Versions

This provider was tested on Nagios XI 5.6.7. It may work with other versions, it will just depend on if there are differences in how the API processes commands.

Provider setup

The provider requires the following attributes:

url (required): The URL to login to Nagios XI. This should just be the FQDN of the Nagios server, with /nagiosxi appended to it. It defaults to using the environment variable NAGIOS_URL if no value is provided in the provider definition.

token (required): The API token used to login to the Nagios XI API. This value can be found by logging in to the web application, clicking Help, and on the left hand side menu, click Introduction. Then it will be listed under the Authentication section. It defaults to using the environment variable API_TOKEN if no value is provided in the provider definition.


provider "nagios" {
    url = "http://localhost/nagiosxi"
    token = "pd994lfldfjfgGGHPDdj83iDjvdPv9033AAbwewwpPP69fmd4201qQmv0zCzxodD"


url: The URL for Nagios XI. This should be the URL to the web portal of Nagios
token: The API token for the user that will be logging in with the provider